After 4 hours in dense fog, we break free and say, "Thank you Sun!" |
We enjoyed quiet anchorages along Principe Sound, but dealt with the heavy, low fog each morning. After 3 days, we decided moving inland was the best bet, and we would have to wait to actually see the "outside" inside passage on another voyage.
Moving through Meyers Passage to the inner waters, we were just about through the Narrows when we spied just ahead whales spouting. We shut down the engine and drifted into the center of the turn in the channel and we realized there were two adult orcas and a youngster feeding. (We later talked with other boaters who passed this way days earlier and the whales were there at that time, too.)

We continued on to Shearwater to do laundry and get some groceries, but due to the crowded marina, were forced to go anchor elsewhere.
Namu was our next stop, a repeat from our trip northward, and we once again said hello to Renne and Pete and enjoyed their hospitality. Renne and Pete are caretakers for Namu, what used to be a cannery which was abandoned back in the 60's.
Renne & Pete's house will be set up in Lizzie Cove, eventually on their 3 acres. |
Bev, Renne, Theresa and her sister "The Namu Nookers" |
So, they'll be moving all of their personal float docks, including their house, workshop, and the gathering float, to Lizzie Cove this September.
Namu has been special for so many years due to the presence of Renne and Pete. There are flowers planted among the falling-down buildings. Strawberries and potatoes grow along walkways. Renne's greenhouse is a marvel to see. Sad to think it will all be ending, this magical place! It will never be the same! It's been an honor to meet them both! We wish them well in their new place, Lizzie Cove!
Nancy catches her first salmon in Namu! |
Leaving Namu and heading south, we anchored in Fury Cove with 12 other boats! We can see the increase in boaters as we move south. There are a number of boats here, waiting out the fog bank that's been prevalent. Cape Caution can be tough in normal conditions, but add a fog bank along with rough conditions and there's just no sense trying. So the boats gather in Fury Cove, along with other coves in the area.
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Entering the Broughtons! |
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Jennis Bay Marina with M/V Deerleap on the docks. |
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Babies waiting to be fed by momma. |
We are currently in Shawl Bay Marina, another family-run marina in the Broughtons. We had plans to leave this morning, however, when we backed out of our slip, Jerry was unable to put the boat back into our forward gear. So as we drifted towards rocks, he shut down the engine, climbed down into the bilge, manually shifted the transmission into forward, and restarted the engine, turning it off again as we approached the docks. We drifted in, with help from folks catching our lines, tied up, and are repairing a broken transmission cable.
Big thank you to Harry & Pat from the M/V Reflection from Anacortes, WA. Harry, an ex-Navy submariner, happened to have a Morris cable on his boat, and Jerry, as of the time of posting this to the blog, has installed this cable and we're able to shift gears once again. It truly amazes me, time after time, how incredibly generous boaters are with their time, extra parts, advice, and good 'ol support. We owe Harry & Pat. Thank you! It also amazes me how talented and knowledgeable my guy, Jerry, is. He'll figure out a way to fix anything and everything! Thank you, sweetie!
Our plans are to continue through the Broughtons over the next week, enjoying hide-e-holes, and a couple of more family-run marinas before continuing south to Discovery Passage, the rapids at Dent and Yucalta, Octopus Islands Marine Park, Comox, Nanaimo, the Gulf Islands, and a visit with our new Canadian friends, Brian and Pattie from S/V Elusive on Saturna Island later in August. We'll update as we can!
Punchbowl Cove - Misty Fjords, Alaska |
As ever... wonderful photos along with fabulous commentary. So happy to be virtually traveling along with you.