As we continued down the dock, the sound of splashing was quite evident, and as we followed the sound, the sight of a new born seal pup swimming vigorously through the water, his back tail fins were propelling him across the top of the water like a little motor boat.
We giggled at the sight of this new life exploring the surroundings of the marina. He certainly got around to every place and wasn't afraid of people as he approached us on the dock. His mom, on the other hand, was not happy with us being that close and tried in vain to direct him to where she wanted the little fellow to go.
We weren't sure whether he was scared or just wanting to check out everything, but this little guy kept on swimming around boat after boat, coming right up to people, all the time his back fins pumping as fast as they could move him.
He eventually settled down and later that evening we watched him and mom leisurely floating around the marina.
As the weeks went by, we had other seal pups born, but none gave us the excitement this little one did on this special morning!
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